Trademark registration helps in establishing ownership and protecting the brand of an entity. File a trademark registration application online with us in less than a day.
A trademark is a type of Intellectual Property with a recognizable design, expression or sign to distinguish your products or services from those of others. The owner of a trademark can be an individual, business organization or any legal entity.
In case of an infringement of a registered trademark, the owner of the mark can get legal remedy. A court may grant relief for trademark infringement or for passing off. Trademark infringement relief can be provided thru an injunction, damages or an account of profits, together with or without any order for the deliver-up of the infringing labels and marks for erasure or destruction.
As both published and unpublished work can be registered under Copyright Act. Author has the complete right, so without his/her permission nobody can use the work for commercial gain. Only the author has right to distribute, to copyright, to translate and the right to adaption of some work.
Let’s discuss some benefits of getting copyright registered for your work:
(1) Copyright registration creates a public record. It tells the world that your work is protected by copyright and also enables a person who wants to licence your work to find you.
(2) It enables you to file a lawsuit and take legal action against someone who infringes your copyright, say by selling copies of your work without your permission.
(3) It provides you with economic benefits by entitling you to use your work in various ways like making copies, performing in public, broadcasting your work etc, and availing appropriate reward for it. Thus, it provides you with a reward for your creativity.
(4) It allows you to sell or pass the rights of your work.
Patents provide exclusive right to make use the exercise of his invention. The Act provides exclusive rights to the Inventor and also provides him the valuable monetary right which he can use for his own advantage either by using it himself or by conveying the privileges to others.
Patent Right varies from country to country. In India the law which govern patent right is "Indian Patent Act 1970". Indian Patent Act, 1970 grants exclusive right to the inventor for his invention for limited period of time. Generally 20 years time has been granted to the patent holder but in case of inventions relating to manufacturing of food or drugs or medicine it is for seven years from the date of patent.
The registration of a design confers upon the registered proprietor the exclusive right to apply a design to the article in the class in which the design has been registered. A registered proprietor of the design is entitled to a better protection of his intellectual property.
Under, the Designs Act 2000, a Design registration can now be obtained for new or original features of shape, configuration pattern, ornamentation or composition of lines or colours as applied to an article, whether in two or three dimensions or both.