Other Services

Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

Instantly apply for digital signature online through us and get same-day service in most cities in India.


Digital Signature (DSC) is a physical signature in an electronic format. Digital Signatures are used in India for online transactions such as Filing Annual Returns, Company or LLP Incorporation Forms, Income Tax E-Filing, E-Tenders, etc. It establishes the identity of the sender while filing or sending documents electronically through the Internet.


Udyam (MSME) Registration

Udyog Aadhaar (MSME) registration can be obtained by business entities to avail various benefits, subsidies and schemes created by the Government of India.


Udyog Aadhaar (MSME) registration is a certificate given to micro, small, medium-sized businesses in India under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Act, 2006. The process for obtaining MSME registration has been made online by the government. We at MyDBiz help you in obtaining MSME registration for your entity in 1 working day.


Import Export Code (IEC) Registration

Import Export Code is a mandatory for all entities involved in the import of export of goods and services. We help you get your IE Code at an affordable cost.


Import Export Code (IEC) is a mandatory prerequisite for all entities involved in the import of export of goods and services. It is a pan-based registration; hence, against one pan number the director general of foreign trade can issue only one IE Code.


FSSAI Registration

FSSAI registration or license is required for all entities involved in the activities of production, distribution and transportation of food products. Apply for FSSAI registration online through us easily with expert support.


The Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006, which was introduced to improve the hygiene and quality of food, has brought about tremendous changes in the food industry. The FSSAI Registration or License is location specific and is also term bound.

Registration of food business is mandatory in India to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution and sale, to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption. It is generally applicable to small businesses.


ESI Registration

Full medical and surgical care are provided to persons registered under ESI and his dependents without any limit in ESI dispensaries and hospitals including a supply of medicine, ambulance services, and super specialty consultation


benefits that are offered with ESI are:
(1) Confinement Expenses.
(2) Funeral Expenses.
(3) Physical Rehabilitation.
(4) Vocational Training.
(5) Skill Upgradation Training under Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojana (RGSKY)


Trade Licence Registration

A trade license is a document/certificate that gives permission to the applicant (person seeking to open a business) to commence a particular trade or business in a particular area/location

Trade registration certificate

A trade certificate obtained from the registering authority allows a dealer to receive exemption from registering the motor vehicle owned by him or her although the dealer cannot sell a motor vehicle to another purchaser without the vehicle's temporary or permanent registration.


Professional Tax (PT) Registration

Profession Tax (PT) is a tax levied on the employment and Profession by respective State Government in India

PT registration compulsory

mandatory for the business within 30 days of employing staff and for professionals within 30 days of starting their practice.


levied on persons earning an income by way of either practicing a profession, employment, calling or trade

Professional tax mandatory

Therefore all functional establishments/units of the registered in business/professional activities in the province of Punjab are liable to be assessed to professional Tax under Section 3 of the Punjab Finance Act, 1977 and the second schedule made there under.


PF Registration

Employee Provident Fund. Employees Provident Fund is a scheme for the Indian Employees that is controlled by the Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act,1952

EPF eligibility criteria

15,000 per month, it is mandatory for you to be opened an EPF account by your employer. Organizations with 20 or more employees are required by law to register for the EPF scheme, while those with fewer than 20 employees can also register voluntarily. If you are drawing a salary higher than Rs.


Return Filling

The basic features of the returns mechanism in GST include electronic filing of returns, uploading of invoice level information and auto-population of information relating to Input Tax Credit (ITC) from returns of supplier to that of recipient, invoice-level information matching and auto reversal of Input Tax Credit in case of mismatch. The returns mechanism is designed to assist the taxpayer to file returns and avail ITC.


5 reasons to file a tax return:
(1) You owe tax or want to receive a refund.
(2) Recover any tax you overpaid from your pay cheque.
(3) Take advantage of refundable tax credits.
(4) Create contribution room in an RRSP.
(5) Carry forward or transfer any unused tuition, education or textbook amounts.
